Return to Sumeria

by Micandra

Disclaimer: Hercules, Iolaus, Iphicles, and Nebula don't belong to me. I just borrowed. Everybody else is purely mine. ;-) This piece of fiction was written by a fan for other fan's enjoyment. No money was made off this.

This is a story I came up with after watching the eps 'Faith', 'Descent', and 'Resurrection', based on what would happen if Hercules never got Iolaus back. In this story when Gilgamesh was destroyed so was Dahak.

This is a story of a time long ago
When the ancient Gods were petty and cruel
A dark God named Dahak killed one of the world's great back to back heroes
Hercules travel the world trying to come to terms with his friend's death
He finally return to Sumeria
To find Iolaus had left a living legacy
A girl child named Solara.

Hercules descended the gangplank and stepped onto Sumerian soil. He ran his hand through his hair. Gods, he wanted to be anyplace else but here. After 15 years he still felt Iolaus' loss like a blade through his heart. The Druids had helped him accept the loss somewhat, but he still missed his Heartsbrother. Even though he hadn't wanted to come, the message from Nebula that had waited for him at the palace in Corinth had practically begged him to come. She had said there was something he had to see. He smiled ruefully. That message had waited for him for 7 years. Besides there was nothing here he wanted to see or do here, except maybe visit Iolaus' final resting place. Funny, he felt closer to the hunter when he was in Greece than anywhere else. He even placed a grave marker for Iolaus next to his mother's and Jason's. Sometimes he was kind of glad everybody he cared about was dead. Well, almost everyone. While Iphicles had aged 15 years, Hercules hadn't changed very much.

When he reached the palace, the guards led him into the throne room. "Hercules to see her royal majesty, Queen Nebula." The guards bowed and backed out of the room. Before Hercules knew what was happening, Nebula had him in a bear hug. "Hercules! You're here! What took you so long?"

"It's a long story, Nebula, but I'm here now."

Nebula let go and turned back towards the thrones. "This is my husband, King Dume." The King merely nodded. "And this," she gestured for a dark-skinned boy to come forward, "is my son, Thalos." The boy looked no more then 8 years old.

"So this is what you wanted to show me." Hercules stated flatly.

"Yes, but that's not all. Thalos, where's Solara?" She questioned the boy.

"Out back, picking on Hemes again."

"Follow me." Nebula led Hercules out the back of the palace. Hercules missed the hard frown of the king that followed them.

Nebula led him to a duo that were mock sword fighting. A young girl, a fair skinned brunette, was holding her own against an iron-grey-haired man twice her size. "Solara, leave poor Hemes alone. There's someone here I'd like you to meet."

The girl called Solara handed Hemes her sword and turned around. As she got close enough for Hercules to see her face, he felt his jaw hit the ground.

Nebula didn't seem to notice Hercules' shocked expression. "Hercules, this is my daughter, Solara."

Solara looked questioningly at her mother. Nebula smiled, shook her head, and walked back to the palace, gesturing for Hemes to follow.

Hercules couldn't stop staring into Solara's eyes. Those bright blue eyes, eyes that were mirror images to the ones that kept him company while he slept.

"Hello Hercules." Solara smiled as she reached out to close his mouth. "That's a great way to catch flies." She giggled, then added, "If you happen to be a frog."

A shaft of joy speared through Hercules as the reality of what he'd seen and heard penetrated his overjoyed brain. Iolaus. Solara was Iolaus' daughter. *That* was what Nebula had wanted him to see. Suddenly he was very glad he'd come to Sumeria.

Nebula found Hercules wandering around in the gardens. For some time they walked silently. Finally Hercules turned to Nebula, "why didn't you just come right out and tell me about Solara?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, it was.

"A happy one I hope?"

"Very happy."

Nebula turned a serious face toward Hercules. "I want you to take Solara back to Greece with you."

Hercules was flabbergasted. He wanted the spend some time with Solara, but he never excepted this.

Before he could think of a reply, Nebula was explaining. "Solara just doesn't fit in here. Not many blue-eyed, fair skinned people around here. And even though the outlook for women is changing, traditions die hard. Solara doesn't fit the image of a traditional Sumerian woman. She has too much of her father in her." Nebula held up her hand to silence Hercules. "No, please do this for me...and her"

Hercules walked into the dining hall. Seated at the head of the long table was the King. Thalos was seated to his left. Nebula was seated at the other end with Solara on her right. The only unoccupied seat was between the kids.

The servants set out a lavish feast. The only thing missing was conversation. Hercules tried to draw first Solara, then Nebula into a conversation. All he got were yes or no answers to his questions. The only one who was eager to talk was Thalos.

After awhile, Solara excused herself and walked into the kitchen. Nebula mumbled something and went after her. Thalos followed. The king looked angry, threw down his napkin and stalked off after them. What followed was a loud commotion from behind the kitchen door. Hercules was just about the go see what was the matter when the door flew open and the king trooped in, followed by a solemn faced Thalos. Nebula followed, looking like she was fighting back tears.

Hercules knocked softly on Nebula's door. The only sound that greeted him was the sound of soft weeping. Hercules was thoroughly confused. What was going on here? That scene in the dining hall was anything but peaceful. After witnessing that, he had a sinking suspicion what was wrong but he needed Nebula to confirm it before he would believe.

He knocked again, this time adding a "Nebula." He was rewarded with a soft "Go away."

"Nebula, please, we need to talk."

Just as he was turning to leave, the chamber door opened. There stood Nebula, her red-rimmed eyes giving testament to the fact that she had been crying. She motioned Hercules inside, then closed the door. As she made her way toward the bed, she drew a shaky sigh. She sat down and drew he knees up to her chin. She looked at Hercules' patient face and sighed.

"Dume doesn't like Solara very much. She is a constant reminder that there was another man in my life and Dume doesn't like that. So he takes his anger out on Solara. Oh, most of it is just yelling. But sometimes..."

The imagery that statement conjured up in Hercules' mind was almost too much to bear. The thought of anyone abusing a child made his blood boil.

"The king is insanely jealous of Solara's father. So much so that he forbid anyone from ever speaking his name. I have to reefer to Solara's father as 'Hercules' partner' or 'best friend' so not to arouse the King's wrath. Solara seems to delight in pushing Dume. Sometimes I think she has a death wish."

If the situation hadn't been so serious Hercules would have burst out laughing. Solara was turning out to be a female version of Iolaus.

As Hercules knocked softly on Solara's door, he recalled Nebula's plea to him in the garden. As he opened the door at the softly spoken 'come in', he spotted Solara laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. As he moved closer, the breath hissed out of him. A black eye was quickly darkening Solara's fair skin.

For a moment, Hercules couldn't speak. He just stood there seething with barely contained anger. He wanted nothing more than the tear King Dume apart. The rational side of him knew the best thing to do was to get Solara away as soon as he could arrange passage for them both.

"Your mother wants me the take you back to Greece," he finally managed. "As soon as I can arrange for a ship, we will be leaving."

Solara turned her head to look at him. "I already know that mom asked you. She's been looking for a way to get me away from Dume for a long time. That's way she sent for you."

"And I waited all those years to come." Hercules shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry. If I had only come sooner..."

"But you're here now. There's no need to be sorry. To come back sooner would have been...painful." Solara rolled over to sit on the edge of the bed. "I know that you loved my father like a brother and that losing him was very hard on you. Mom told me of your trip to the Underworld to find him. I don't blame you for not wanting to come back to the place where it happened."

Hercules closed his eyes at the memories Solara conjured up. "Yes, I loved Iolaus like a brother and I will do anything I can to protect his daughter. So be prepared to leave soon." Hercules turned and walked out of the palace and down to the docks before he could do something he'd regret.

Hercules walked down the corridor to Solara's room and knocked. "Solara, it's almost time to go. Are you ready?" There were some thumps and bumps before the door was jerked open. Solara stood in the doorway wearing a light blue tunic with a knee length skirt to match. Over her shoulder was slung a carry sack.

"O. K., I'm ready." Hercules looked over her shoulder. At least fifty dresses were piled haphazardly on the bed.

"What about those?" Hercules motioned towards the bed.

"All I need I got right here." Solara patted the strap of her carry sack.

"I tried to get her to take more," Nebula said, coming up behind her daughter.

"Look, I'm going to be starting a new life in Greece. What I need I can buy there," Solara stated.

"O.K., O.K., I guess your right." Nebula kissed her daughter on the cheek. "Now, you mind your Uncle Hercules and be a good girl."

"Aw Mom, what fun is it being a good girl?"

Nebula laughed and swatted at Solara's backside. Solara giggled and nimbly moved out of reach.

Hercules smiled as he followed them down the hall. As they reached the palace steps, Nebula grabbed Hercules' arm. "You will look out for her, won't you?" she asked softly.

Hercules smiled down at Nebula as he kissed her on the cheek. "Like she was my own."

Solara waved goodbye to her mother and half-brother. The king wasn't there, but she hadn't really expected for him to see her off. All she felt was relief. She was on her way to a new life in her father's homeland.

The end?

No gray-haired warriors were harassed during the writing of this FF.

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