Science Fiction and Fantasy Cross Stitch Patterns

To save the patterns to your computer, right click on the image of the chart and "save link as".

If you intend to use the color chart to work from, I recommend also downloading the symbol chart
just to have for reference because sometimes different brands of computers and printers don't
always interpret the colors the same way.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Cross Stitch Patterns

Red Dwarf Sampler - Color Chart

Red Dwarf Sampler - Symbol Chart

Rebel and Imperial Emblems - Color Chart

Rebel and Imperial Emblems - Symbol Chart

Gryffindor Crest - Color Chart

Gryffindor Crest - Symbol Chart

Elven Leaf - Color Chart

Elven Leaf - Symbol Chart

The Fellowship - Color Chart

The Fellowship - Symbol Chart

The Argonath - Color Chart

The Argonath - Symbol Chart

Tree of Gondor - Small - Color Chart

Tree of Gondor - Small - Symbol Chart

Tree of Gondor - Large - Color Chart

Tree of Gondor - Large - Symbol Chart

The patterns on this page are created by fans for the enjoyment of other fans. These patterns
are for personal use only. No money is being made and no copyright is claimed on images
that belong to others

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